J’ai redécouvert la joie de l’aéromodélisme en 2017 avec Les Modélistes Anti-Gravité de la zone N, et cette passion a rapidement ravivé mon amour pour les avions à voilure fixe à l’échelle ainsi que pour la formation des autres dans ce loisir extraordinaire.
En mars 2023, j’ai rejoint le conseil d’administration du MAAC, et en novembre 2024, j’ai eu l’honneur d’être élu président du MAAC. Mon expérience professionnelle en tant qu’expert en processus d’affaires dans les arts graphiques, l’édition médiatique et comme propriétaire de produits IMS pour des agences gouvernementales m’a permis d’acquérir des compétences précieuses en leadership et en collaboration—des atouts que je consacre désormais au MAAC.
Ensemble, je vise à renforcer notre communauté, à améliorer la communication et à assurer que le MAAC continue de prospérer comme pierre angulaire de l’aéromodélisme au Canada.
Vice président
For the year 2025 it is my goal and desire to see MAAC finally accept it's role representing the model aviation hobby in Canada. Regulations introduced in 2019 were never really fully incorporated into MAAC's reason d'etre - or fundamental purpose. The MAAC Board of Directors has been grappling with these and other fundamental issues, and 2025 should see some marked change in the way our Corporation operates. Lastly, the last two years have been very draining on our volunteers - the recovery efforts from the Exemption loss cannot be understated. It is my secondary goal to get relief and some fashion of reward to these folks - time for them to enjoy not only the fruits of their labour, but the hobby we all love.
Membre du comité exécutif
Membre du comité exécutif
I grew up around aviation, with a father who was a bush pilot and an avid plastic scale modeller. I'm a life long modeller who was an active RC pilot as a youth, and then like many of us I got out of aeromodelling in my teenage years. I never did stop modelling and have been an active & life-long Model Train enthusiast as well and started scratchbuilding in the model train hobby, an interest which has come over to my RC activities as well.
I came back to aeromodelling in my late 20's and RC a few years later.
I'm now an active sailplane pilot, and dabble in RC power (Electric and am returning to glow), rubber & catapult freeflight and am an active builder with an interest in classic RC designs, especially smaller 1/2A and .10-.25 sized models. Radios also are a core part of my hobby and I spend a lot of time on both modern radios (OpenTX and Spektrum Airware) and conversions & repairs of classic radios from the 60's & 70's. You might even find me flying a Galloping Ghost on 2.4GHz.
Membre du comité exécutif