Zone M - Notice of Zone Meeting

Affiché : 04 août, 2022

Date : 24 septembre, 2022

Heure : 11:00 AM

Lieu : London Model Aircraft Club field

MAAC Zone M, Southwest Ontario

The Annual Zone Meeting (AZM) deals with the business of the zone that includes elections of the Zone Director, Deputy Zone Director, resolutions and recommendations from zone members, nominations for awards and Leader members, appointment of zone members to standing committees and any other zone business that might arise. There are different protocols for each

Nominations for Deputy Zone Director are requested. Peter Doupnik has submitted his nomination for Zone Director. Paul Sousa has submitted his nomination for Deputy Zone Director

Resolutions & Recommendations
Members are entitled to submit resolutions and recommendations to be considered by the zone and if passed by a majority vote at the AZM form part of the agenda at the Annual General Meeting. See Submissions section for details

Standing Committees, Zone members are encouraged to join standing committees to help guide the many disciplines and interest areas of MAAC. Two members from the zone may be nominated for each standing committee. A listing of standing committees can be found in the opening pages of Model Aviation Canada

Awards and Leader Member
Nominations for awards other than Leader Member may be submitted to head office at any time, subsequently forwarded to the Awards Committee for a recommendation to the board and do not need to be approved at an AZM. Nominations for Leader Member are considered at AZM’s and if approved by majority vote forwarded to head office and subsequently forwarded to the Awards Committee for a recommendation to the board

All submissions that require approval at the AZM, by majority vote, must be received by the zone director by August 15, 2022, forty (40) days in advance of the AZM. In addition, all nominations for awards and deputy zone director need to be copied to head office.
Zone Director
MAAC Head Office

In the past, member participation was limited to those in attendance at the meetings with their vote and any open proxy votes in hand. Resolutions and recommendations, nominations for zone director, deputy zone director and award nominations took place at the meeting. All the decisions on the business of the zone were made by those in attendance. This was in part because attendance meant prohibitive travel costs for many members in the larger zones
MAAC by-laws and the Canada Corporations Not-for-profit Act require that members have the opportunity to vote on the business of the zone by open or closed proxy. The meeting notice sent to all zone members, twenty-one (21) days in advance of the meeting date, includes, in the agenda, the business that will be considered and voted on at the meeting. Members that are not able to attend in person are encouraged to vote by open or closed proxy on the agenda items. Submissions requirements, for business of the zone, is forty days in advance so that the zone director can prepare the notice of meeting, accompanying agenda and closed proxy form for circulation twenty-one (21) days in advance of the meeting. This is to ensure every zone member has the opportunity to consider and vote on the business of the zone.
Deputy Zone Director and Zone Director nominations are not accepted at the AZM and must be submitted to the zone director and head office by August 15, 2022, forty (40) days in advance

Resolutions and recommendations will no longer be accepted at the meeting and must be submitted to the zone director by August 15, 2022, forty (40) days in advance. Templates can be found here:

Awards may be submitted to head office at any time. They are forwarded to the Awards Committee for a recommendation to the board. Awards are usually presented at or after the AGM. Nomination forms can be found in the Awards section here:

Leader Member nomination are not accepted at the meeting and must be submitted to the zone director and head office by August 15, 2022, forty (40) days in advance

Proxy forms, either open or closed may be used by members not in attendance to vote on the business of the zone. Open proxies allow another zone member to vote on their behalf. Closed proxies are specific to the agenda item and the submitter indicates their vote on the form
Closed and open proxy forms will be included in the Notice of Meeting you will receive twenty-one (21) days in advance of the AZM.

Cheers Frank Klenk
MAAC Zone Director Zone M

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