(This event is closed to the public-only MAAC members and crew may attend.
Invited guest(s) of a MAAC member are permitted, provided they are supervised by that member). This SPRING OPEN FUN-FLY is being held on Sunday June 8th, 2025. Overall field hours are 1:00pm-10;00pm. Setup begins at 1:00pm, registration will open at 1:30pm and the pilots briefing at 2:00pm. This event is open to all currently registered MAAC pilots of all electric aircraft (NO DRONES!) All pilots MUST have Transport Canada Registration, have their RPAS certificate with them and ALL planes MUST be registered with Transport Canada and have their registration number visible on the aircrafdt. The minimum age to fly on your own is 14 yrs old and you MUST also have a VALID RPAS certificate.The entry fee for this event is $5.00 which includes 1 raffle ticket. Additional tickets can be purchased throughout the event. For all registered pilots there will be some food available to puchase, hamburger or hot dog with a pop will be $5.00, chips $1.00 and assorted pop for $1.00. Please feel free to bring your own lunch and snacks if you wish. So dust off your planes and come join us for a fun day of RC flying with friends and family! This will just be an OPEN flying event for everyone with NO competitions scheduled, also THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO MAIDEN FLIGHTS AT THIS EVENT! Please monitor this thread, SPRING OPEN FUN-FLY 2025 for additional updates at,
Thank you and see you all at the field!!
Sanction #: | 2025-878 |
Event Type: | Fun Fly |
Date: | June 8, 2025 |
Time: | 1:00 PM to 10:00 PM |
Entry Fee: | $5.00 |
Event Director: | IAN MUNROE (MAAC # 89777 CD) |
Contact Person: | GEORGE GOMBAS (MAAC # 48266) |
Contact Number: | 604-430-5679 |
Contact Cell: | 604-908-0149 |
Contact Email: | |
Event Website: | |
Airfield: | BURNABY LAKE PARK, EAST SPORTSPLEX, Fields 3,4,5,6 |
GPS Coordinates: | 49.251723, -122.963636 |
Directions: | 3520 Sperling Ave Burnaby, BC |
Airfield Type: | Land based RC |
Diagrams: |