Zones List
Zone A
Alberta / Northwest Territories / Nunavut
Zone Director: JOHN HORNER
All of Alberta and including Northwest Territories and Nunavut
Zone B
Zone Director: MICHAEL DICK
New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
Zone C
British Columbia Interior / Yukon
Zone Director: MARK BETUZZI
The area of British Columbia not enclosed by a line from Cape Scott on Vancouver Island directly east to Hope Island, then directly south-east to and including Briken (north-east of Pemberton), then south-east to the southernmost point of highway 3 in Manning Park, then directly south to the United States of America Border
Zone D
Manitoba / Northwestern Ontario
Zone Director: KEVIN ALLARD
All of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario to a line drawn true North/South of Simpson Island just East of the Town of Nipigon, Ontario
Zone E
Middle Ontario
Zone Director: CARL CIMPRICH
Border between Middle and S.E zones goes up Hwy 25 to Acton, then a straight-line north to Giants Tomb Island in Georgian Bay. Between Middle and S.W. zone a straight line north from Clear Creek through Woodford, ON to Georgian Bay and to the north a straight line from Cape Rich across to Giants Tomb Island
Zone F
Northern Ontario
Zone Director: W. CRAIG KNIGHT
A straight-line from Giants Tomb Island in Georgian Bay to Mattawa on the border of ON & QC on the eastern side and on the western side a line drawn true North/South of Simpson Island just East of the Town of Nipigon, Ontario and including Manitoulin Island
Zone G
Ottawa Valley
Zone Director: BRENT NORMAN
The western border is a straight-line from Colborne north to Mackey. On the east the zone ends at the Quebec border except for a twenty-five mile radius around Pembroke and a fifty-mile radius around Hull, QC.
Zone H
Southwest British Columbia
Zone Director: JOHN DEADMAN
The area of British Columbia enclosed by a line from Cape Scott on Vancouver Island directly east to Hope Island, then directly south-east to and including Briken (north-east of Pemberton), then south-east to the southernmost point of highway 3 in Manning Park, then directly south to the United States of America border.
Zone K
All of the province of Saskatchewan
Zone L
Southeastern Ontario
Zone Director: M. ADAM MAAS
The western border between Middle and SE goes up Hwy 25 to Acton then a straight line north to Giants Tomb Island in Georgian Bay then a straight line to Mattawa on the border of ON & QC. The eastern border between SE and Ottawa Valley is a straight-line from Colborne north to Mackey.
Zone M
Southwestern Ontario
Zone Director: PETER DOUPNIK
The eastern border between Middle and SW is a straight line north from Clear Creek through Woodford, ON. The western border is the border of the USA. To the north from Cape Rich to the main channel between Manitoulin Island and the mainland west to the USA border.
Zone N
Zone Director: PATRICK ROY
The entire province of Quebec, except for a twenty-five mile radius around Pembroke, and a fifty-mile radius around Hull, which belong to the Ottawa Valley zone.