I rediscovered the joy of aeromodelling in 2017 with Les Modélistes Anti-Gravité from zone N, and it quickly became a passion that reignited my love for scale fixed-wing aircraft and training others in this incredible hobby.
In March 2023, I joined the MAAC Board of Directors, and in November 2024, I was honored to be elected as MAAC President. My professional background as a business process expert in graphic arts, media publishing, and government agencies IMS product owner has provided me with valuable experience in leadership and collaboration—skills I now dedicate to MAAC.
Together, I aim to strengthen our community, enhance communication, and ensure MAAC continues to thrive as the cornerstone of aeromodelling in Canada.
I was born in Windsor Ontario in 1952, so I guess I'm of the Boomer generation. Was hired by Burroughs Business Machines out of High School, moved to Sudbury with that company - a long story - then North Bay.
Began my modelling interests in North Bay, looking for a diversion. I developed an interest in model airplanes after seeing a demonstration at the Comber Fair maybe 1970. Bought my first radio control from Bob's hobbies on Lakeshore - a Kraft 5 channel. I paid 500 1975 dollars. Met my darling wife in North Bay, (another long story) and was member of both the North Bay model airplane club and the Nippissing Miniature Airplane Club - now known as NIPMAC. Same company then moved me and me to Sault Ste. Marie. I quit them and was hired at the Steel Plant where I put in 35 years retiring from Environmental Control. I have held many positions in my local club, was a zone director decades ago for one term and have been deputy zone director for Northern Ontario for a decade anyway. I currently fly scale aerobatics not too well, flippy models a little better, indoor foamies and anything else.
Executive Committee Member
Like most of us I started this life adventure in aeromodelling at a very early age my first build …lol, was the CG Lil Wizard U control 0.49 …so much fun !! and any time I saw model planes at school fields or known RC sites back then I was magnetized to them like a moth to a flame…. Haven’t decided yet which one I am, moth or the flame!...But as a dreamy eyed adventurous little boy my neck always strained upwards to the sound of any flying craft ….OH LOOK AN AIRPLANE!! Fast forward a few years as life moves on and I am living & working in former West Germany with the CAF and flying RC for the very first time and getting paid WAY too much as a young man so what’s a fella to do ….buy RC airplanes right??? I learned to fly mode 1 in Germany and did so rather hap hazardly at best for 5 ish years while I lived and worked there. We didn’t have simulators back then .
Again, fast forward now married with two young boys and back in Canada, somehow, I found some spare change to buy another trainer and give it a go this time in Brandon MB, and a year or so later I found myself creating a club right on base Shilo where the base was very accommodating. Clubs in the military environment can be challenging due to the high level of attrition. One cool event we had between Brandon club and the new Shilo club (Flewn Flyers) was a 26 Km cross country fun fly with 15 pilots in 45 km westerly winds!! Not going to see that happen again anytime soon …lol. ( no pilots or crew were injured in the making of this event). Fast forward once more now living in Kenora where my RC skills really came together as life slowed slightly for me. Present day I am recently retired after 38 years with the CAF and club president for 3 clubs in MB in my zone as well as now being a Zone director and enjoy camp & fly’s and all of the spirit that exists at all six fields I fly at for various reasons. Looking forward to sharing my overly enthusiastic RC aviation attitude and hope that it is contagious to many. MAAC has its challenges ahead of them and I feel that I can affect some positive changes to this system and help grow and maintain our membership and help make the MAAC corporate system more streamlined and functional. I want all my zone D members to know that I have a open door policy and I am more than willing to listen to issues or ideas that will make us function better & grow in our zone. If I was to put it to a few bullet points on what I hope to achieve in my tenure as ZN D Director then it would be , Improve membership , Improve communication frequency from all levels, more events , improve clubs/MAAC public awareness , how all any or all of that will look or be implemented will need some good thought but if you would like to have input on any of that please let me know. Looking forward to meeting more of you as time marches on.
Executive Committee Member
Executive Committee Member
Executive Committee Member
I grew up around aviation, with a father who was a bush pilot and an avid plastic scale modeller. I'm a life long modeller who was an active RC pilot as a youth, and then like many of us I got out of aeromodelling in my teenage years. I never did stop modelling and have been an active & life-long Model Train enthusiast as well and started scratchbuilding in the model train hobby, an interest which has come over to my RC activities as well.
I came back to aeromodelling in my late 20's and RC a few years later.
I'm now an active sailplane pilot, and dabble in RC power (Electric and am returning to glow), rubber & catapult freeflight and am an active builder with an interest in classic RC designs, especially smaller 1/2A and .10-.25 sized models. Radios also are a core part of my hobby and I spend a lot of time on both modern radios (OpenTX and Spektrum Airware) and conversions & repairs of classic radios from the 60's & 70's. You might even find me flying a Galloping Ghost on 2.4GHz.